20 July 2006

Logs 20.07.2006

Heard RADIO SCOTLAND this evening on 6300 kHz with a massive and very strong signal around 18.45 UTC. After that there was RADIO ELDORADO, the talk station from the Netherlands, on 6297 kHz around 18.50 UTC.

Please note, we only log stations with more than 10 minutes on air. So no QSO-stations will be logged here on BERMUDA DX. If you want you can send your comment to our rules, we appreciate it very much.

So on Saturday there will be another broadcast from RADIO SONAR from Germany. For further information please ask DJ Dycke via email radiosonar@hotmail.de or send a email to bermuda-sw@gmx.de

DJ Dipol


Anonymous said...

pirates ? rules ?

Radio Bermudadreieck said...

of course, maybe there arent rules but here in the blog there are rules. hihi.

Greetings and further comments are highly appreciated.

DJ Dipol

Anonymous said...

that's the fact. btw it's a good blog you create